Chicken Attack

Robins Birds

6 Years
Jul 21, 2013
I am a new chicken owner. I bought three little chicks 4 months ago. I have an Orpington Buff I'm not sure yet if it is a hen or rooster. Her comb is very large as well as legs and feet. She is much larger then my Rhode Island and ameraucana. I also have a beautiful Cayuga Duck. I go out doors everyday and spend time with my chickens and duck. Petting them and giving them treats. I do this several times a day. My concern is....twice now my Orpington Buff has attacked my other chickens by grabbing them on their combs and basically trying to swing them around. She won't let go until I run over and pull her off and scold her. I'm not sure if the reason this is happening is that she is actually a rooster or because of jealousy. Each time it has happened I have been petting my duck which my Orpington Buff is not very fond of. Please Advice. I am very concerned about this behavior. If she is actually a rooster I am not allowed to keep him in our city limits and I have to find a home for him which is also very stressful because I don't want to give him to someone who will have him butchered. Does anyone know what could possibly be going on?
Can you post a photo?

Though they will be the same size as hens Buff Orps do tend to get larger lots faster than RIRs and they have much thicker legs too. If your Buf Orp where a roo it would be getting a roo tail and probably be crowing by 16 weeks. Chickens do get jealous and roos don't usually attach hens so you most likey have some pecking order issues going on and here really isn't anything you can do so unless she is drawing blood just it work out on its own. If she is injuring the other hens (or the duck) you can find her a new flock or put her in a "time out" for 4-5 days. There are alrady plenty of thread about how to do this here on BYC
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Thank you so much for your reply. I did read about the 4 to 5 day time out. I really didn't know chickens could get jealous like that and that is really what she is behaving like. I know if one of my cat's is jealous instead of attacking me they will attack another one of my cats and that is what appears to be happening with my Buff Orpington. They are sweethearts though with really cute personalities. I will try to post a picture if I can figure out how to do it on this forum. I have some pretty good ones on my phone. Again Thank you, I really appreciate the quick response.
oops! I meant to say that chicken DON'T get Jealous! So Sorry.

But by 16 weeks old a photo would help determine if you have a hen or roo so please post one if you can.
Sounds like pecking order issues. She's probably showing them she's #1 and that they need to wait their turn for treats. It's hard to watch, but they need to work out their stuff all the same. is a picture of my little gal or guy. You can see she is quite a bit larger then my other chicken standing next to her.

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