Chicken audible breathing


In the Brooder
Aug 4, 2021
We have a year and a half old Black Australorp that didn't leave the coop for three days, her eyes were closed even when handling her. We pulled her out and dipped her beak in water but she didn't drink.
We pulled her inside and made got her to drink and eat a little each day. She was molting during this time so that was a speculation on why she was acting so strange.

Currently she's drinking and eating just fine and we're trying to reintroduce her back outside, however in the past few days we've noticed that she opens her beak and we can hear her breathing.
It's not quite wheezing, but I can definitely hear it.

Does anyone know what might be the issue and how to fix it?
Does it sound like crackles or rales? Is her crop emptying overnight by the next morning?
I couldn't find a good reference on what crackles or rales sound like, however I‘d describe how it sounds as a person mouth-breathing but a little louder and raspier. and yes, I did notice her crop emptying overnight.
There are a bunch of different possible respiratory diseases in chickens from viruses, bacteria and mycoplasma, and from mold fungus. Some chickens may just have irritation from dust or allergans. Aspergillosis, a fungal disease may cause gasping, but may not cause other symptoms, and might not be diagnosed unless a necropsy is eventually done upon death. It can cause little pockets of fungus in the air sacs and organs. If you see any bubbles or foam in one eye, or swollen eyelid, that might be mycolasma (MG.) it can be treated with spcertain antibiotics (Tylan 50 injectable or the generic Tylosin powder.) Others like coryza are nasty smelly, and cause gunk in the sinuses and eyes. ILT causes gaping and bloody mucus from the nostrils and beak.

So I would try to get her eating and drinking. Look her over for other problems, such as mites or lice, weight loss, swelling in the lower abdomen between the legs, make sure that she is filling her crop, and it is emptying, and perhaps try some vitamins on her. She probably is not laying since she is molting. Hopefully with some supportive care, she will get back on her feet. Let me know if she develops any firther breathing problems or any of the respiratory symptoms above.

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