chicken barely moves, looks bloated

julia tayloe

In the Brooder
May 1, 2016
I have a sick hen. She stays in the coop most all day though she was active outside this morning. She started becoming listless yesterday afternoon staying in her nesting box for several hours. She is eating and drinking a little but hasn't really improved or become worse. On her box, she is sitting and alert. She is eating yogurt and drinking water when offered to her. She looks bloated but has no hardness in her belly area. I massaged her chest which also was soft to the touch. She is making a strange growling chirp when disturbed. Her eyes look clear and her comb looks bright and normal.
I added a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the flock's water. None of our other 12 hens are sick.
She is a two-year-old Spotted Sussex and I love her dearly.
She is not sitting on any eggs, we move them.She is really bloated. Should I take her to the vet tomorrow, if she does not improve?

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