chicken beat up


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 24, 2010
One of my 7 week old Barred Rock chicks escaped and got attacked by my 1 year old buff orpington & easter egger. I heard commotion right away and by the time I got out there they had attacked her so much she now has no skull & neck feathers or skin. I put neosporin and a bandage on it and isolated her. Anything I can do to heal her or do I need to put her out of her misery? Or ???
I'd put antibiotics in her water and put her under a heat lamp, too...even though she is fully feathered, the warmth helps to reduce stress on a recuperating bird. In addition, I'd put her on medicated chick starter, just to increase the meds in her system. The topical antibiotic won't do as much as a systemic antibiotic. I've had a young roo recover from having all of his neck skin takes time, but she can indeed pull through, as long as you keep her isolated from the others.

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