Chicken beaten up by another hen what to do with the wound?


7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
I have a chicken who was locked up with another hen who I didn't realize was quite the bully. They were in a large transport crate, and when I took them out I realized the smaller hen was missing all her feathers on her neck and it was quite raw. It wasn't bloody but I still seperated her to prevent further bullying. Should i put some sort of cream on it'? If put back in the hen house will the wound attract more bullying, its not bleeding but quite raw. Any advice of what to do with the hen who is a bully?

There are some products you can use to prevent or minimize pecking my other chickens. The two most common are Blu-Kote and Hot Pick. You can pick either one up in most feed stores. Chickens will peck at each other to establish dominance, so some degree of pecking between chickens who aren't familiar with each other is common. Since this only happened in a small transport crate, there shouldn't be too much of an issue now. As long as the bullied hen has space to run away from her aggressor, she should be fine. You should probably just keep an eye on the bully hen for the moment. It may just have been an isolated incident in a small space.

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