Chicken Body Language


12 Years
Feb 2, 2008
Glen Rock, PA
The language of the chicken. I know it sounds crazy, but have you ever watched your birds talk? Without making a sound. It is pretty cool to see a roo just give the stink eye to another roo. Flapping of the wings and shaking of the waddles is also a submissive gesture in roos and hens.
Anyone else notice any?
It is amazing how much you can learn about individual chickens if you sit and watch. It is one of my favorite ways of spending a lazy afternoon with the family. DH can tell the girls apart by their voice.
When I work in the backyard and the chickens are free-ranging, they often go near me and extend their necks in odd ways, looking at me. Strange........what are they trying to tell me?

Chickens are indeed such interesting creatures.
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They're not trying to tell you anything, they are little feathery anthropologists trying to learn more about the strange tribal customs of the big beakless critters. If they realize you've seen them doing this, it will mess up their dissertation research and they'd have to start all over, so just play along, k?

Oh, plus they are probably wondering "why is this idiot creature not eating all those tasty plants and bugs there? Sheesh!"


Pat, who is impressed at how much body language and even facial expression chickens have, and who wonders if we are seeing, just faintly, what it would have been like to see a group of dinosaurs going about their daily business.
Pat!! You doooo crack me up! All I can picture is a chicken with a clip board and reading glasses with a pencil tucked in her neat little feather bun on her head.....FUNNY!!! AH HA
They certainly are curious critters! Many times I've seen my DH laying under a truck,tractor.....or whatever vehicle needs some attention and there is a chicken or two under there with him peering up at the underside of said vehicle!
lol what about their own language!!!thats just as cool! like my chickens make a strange sound like"Brrrrrrrrrrr" and i think they do it to warn the others of danger!
They do seem to have an entire vocabulary of shrills, beeps, growls, baks, crows, grunts, and honks!!!! That is my favorite thing about chickens...the silly noises they can you not grin!!!!! Perfect cure for a bad day....happy chicken noises!!

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