Chicken Breed Focus - Jersey Giant

I may be getting into Jersey Giants soon. If goes as planned my start will be from a breeder in north central Missouri. Will be fun trying to juggle a much larger breed on top of what I already have.
Feed them yogurt. Make sure it has the bacteria in it. This will encourage them to grow. At 3 months separated the boys and girls or the boys will work on becoming sexually mature instead of growing taller.

Is this true??? About keeping the sexes seperate so males can grow taller vs. maturing???
I purchased 2 Aussie pellets, turns out 1 is a BJG. She is getting huge, her waddle and comb are bright red, she has always been the more social one, but lately she just drops to a squat and starts yelling at me, yesterday she started pecking me, any thoughts? I am brand new to raising chickens.
No, and I am wondering if this might be a sign she might start laying, I don't know what the signs are, these 2 are my first ever chickens so I am a rookie at all of this. Learning as I go so to speak.
Signs a pullet is getting ready to start laying include: the comb/wattles getting redder, she will squat down when approached (this is what she would do for a rooster), she may look for and protect nesting sites, and she may get noisy.

The first egg is always exciting!
Signs a pullet is getting ready to start laying include: the comb/wattles getting redder, she will squat down when approached (this is what she would do for a rooster), she may look for and protect nesting sites, and she may get noisy.

The first egg is always exciting!
I can't wait! I check the boxes every day..thank you for all the info, greatly appreciated and needed!

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