Chicken Breed Focus - Polish



I have 2 Polish hens. The first one is Abby and the bottom one is Tina (obvious). Very sweet birds. Very affectionate.
Hi all. I have 13 polish chicks that are 8 weeks old. Some of their crests are growing in really lopsided. Is that normal and do you know if they will even out? They are cute either way but I'm just curious!
Sorry I don't have an answer as I am new to the breed as well. I'm curious too! I have a white crested black polish who was the free mystery chick, I just assumed that it was because he was the freebie His is lopsided on the back of his crest. Is it normal for their age? :0
I'm not sure why but I've only just got a notification for the thread and it seems I have missed quite a few posts :idunno

you have some very pretty birds!!

Yes, beautiful!

Thank you both, very much :D

Hi all. I have 13 polish chicks that are 8 weeks old. Some of their crests are growing in really lopsided. Is that normal and do you know if they will even out? They are cute either way but I'm just curious!

Sorry I don't have an answer as I am new to the breed as well. I'm curious too! I have a white crested black polish who was the free mystery chick, I just assumed that it was because he was the freebie His is lopsided on the back of his crest.  Is it normal for their age? :0

I'm afraid this can happen and they will likely stay this way. Once the feathers are pretty much through that will be the shape of the crest. It's not an ideal trait for showing polish but non the less I still think my wonky crested ones are super birds and it does not detract from their personality :love
I have always been told to have several 'different' chickens so they can hang out together if you have 'normal' birds, too. Chickens are polite and will pick a piece of grass off a friend's head. Only with the feather headed or feather footed 'different' bird it is a feather they are politely picking. The theory is if you have enough 'different' birds to form a mini flock no one individual will get picked on.

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