Chicken Breed Focus - Welsummer

Thanks for the Wellie thread. I have about 50 birds of many varieties, but my favorites are always the Wellies. They're very nice to look at, good layers of beautiful eggs, good foragers, get along with everyone and are very laid back. Mine do tend to lay around the 7-8 month mark, later than some of the other birds, but well worth the wait.
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I'm glad to see this breed focused, I've had them on my "wish list" for a long time. They are such pretty birds and the eggs are beautiful.

Thanks to everyone sharing the pictures! Does anyone have any chick photos to share?


Here's a few with my broody Marans hen hatched a couple weeks ago.
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We bought four welsummer pullets along with a mixed flock this year. This week we confirmed through his first crow that one of our she's is a he! Lol they are such sweet birds

Cute cockerel! Good luck with your flock!
Truely awesome breed! I highly reccomend. I've been breeding them for several years now. Got my start with shipped eggs and have grown to a flock of more than 30. Love the dark eggs. The hens and roos have a great disposition. Many lines are sexable at hatch by markings. Thanks for doing the breed review. Many people aren't even aware of this breed.




Beautiful eggs!
I have 4 6 week old pullets and can't wait for the speckled eggs.  I bought all my birds for pretty chickens that lay pretty eggs (Crested Cream Legbars, Black Copper Marans, Easter Eggers and Welsummers) and I think the wellie's eggs are probably the prettiest.  Does anyone know an average age when they start laying - early or late?  None of the hatcheries that have info on every other breed says on the wellies.

X3, mine have been at least 6+ months before they started, but I've always gotten them in the spring and the pullets have started in late summer/fall and laid all through the winter until late the next summer.
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Don't have any close pictures of them, but here are a couple in the brooder (the blue/black chicks are Ameraucana).


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