Chicken Breed Focus - Welsummer

I've got 8 Welsummer eggs in the bator now, due Monday! They will be my first Welsummers provided the hatch goes well :) I will try to post some pictures when they start hatching.
Here are my two Wellie pullets at 1 week old, Ginger and Cinnamon. They are a bit more skittish in the brooder than the Ameraucanas, but when I get them out they perch on me and settle down. Looking forward to seeing these girls grow up and start laying.
Oh, the breeder I got them from seemed to have readily sexable chicks - he had four the same age and the girls were pretty distinct from the boys. I already have a 2 Marans roos that I'm growing out and I bought 4 straight run Ameraucanas from the same breeder as the Wellies, so I didn't want to choose any more roos on purpose. If it turns out we don't like the disposition of our other roos I will go back for a Wellie cockerel, they're beautiful.

Can welsummer fly ? 

Lol, any chicken can. Will they stay in a fenced in area, yes, they don't seem 'flighty'. I did have to put a top on their run, but only because I have brownleghorns and one of my EE thought they had to get out all the time even after I clipped their wings.
I have Rhode Island Reds and enjoy the same large, often speckled, eggs. Fairly new to the chicken raising world and so far these are my favorites. Here are my new babies.
Thanks!!! This is my first flock. I have five chicks -- they are all wonderful. But, wow, this little wellie is snuggly. I didn't expect that of a chicken :p

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