Chicken Breed Focus - Welsummer

I have my first Welsummer hen and she just began to lay yesterday. She is beautiful but her egg is not as dark as I thought it would be. Will the eggs get darker as they get larger. I have a RI Red that is the same age and lays a much darker brown egg. I have the eggs pictured. The darker is my one RIR egg. I thought the Welsummer egg would be that dark or darker.
Yes Greylock, her eggs should continue to darken up and you will start seeing lovely dark brown speckles. Of course diet, and water can effect the color but I think in this case its her young age.
We have a welsummer roo and one hen out of our bunch. I am seriously thinking of breeding welsummers in the future. They are very friendly birds wish we had more.
I got my Welsummer on accident. She was supposed to be a Speckled Sussex.....

I still like her though. Her eggs sure are pretty.
Where are you located? I am in Lucedale, Mississippi. Will be looking to add to my little flock in the spring. Would like to add some hens and a too.

We recently had to find our Roo a new home. He had gotten so aggressive that our girls were overwhelmed and stressed. He literally was running them all day. They were loosing weight and egg production had dropped plus he had broken their combs from his over aggressive behavior. He was not so nice to me as well. We were thankful that one of our Amish neighbor's took him.
I have one Welsummer in a mixed flock of six named Cocoa. She is very sweet and friendly and beautiful as well, and also is the head honcho of the flock. On the downside, she was the very last one to lay starting at 8 1/2 months, and her eggs are medium size and not very dark at all. She just started laying about three weeks ago and I'm hoping the size, frequency and color will improve. Any feedback is appreciated. I'm not complaining, I do love her, but was expecting large, chocolate eggs. I got her from MPC and the other chicks I got from there are laying beautifully. My Red Star has jumbo eggs off the scale, and I even got a double yolker from her the other day. I find it all very exciting, as a relatively new chicken owner.

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