Chicken breed

EEs can lay any color eggs and look like anything.

The Ameraucana/Araucana-derived version *often*, but not always, have beards, muffs, pea combs and/or green legs.

The Legbar-derived version don't.

Olive Eggers have dark-brown layer genetics and *may* have telltale feathered feet from French Marans ancestry -- or they may not if the Marans in their background was the clean-legged type or if their dark-layer ancestry was Welsummer instead.
Easter Eggers don't have any standard (at least that's what I hear) so I kind of made up my own in my mind (muffs, beards, slate legs, etc.), but am I incorrect and they do some some type of standard? Just curious!
Im going to say they are Easter Eggers. Because i think the chicken in the top picture had a poof on its head it may have just been my device though. And i dont think leghorns or welsummers lay green eggs.

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