Chicken Breed?


Jul 14, 2023
I inherited chickens when I bout a house that came with livestock and chickens. I have identified all breeds of chickens but this small chicken. Any idea what breed and maybe what sex this chicken is?


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Interesting! My bantam knowledge is pretty limited, but I might guess blue bantam Australorp or cochin mixed with silkie? Only because the black beak and comb look to me more like from a silkie, but the coloring just looks blue, and with with the slate legs... What color are the bottoms of her feet?

@Amer. Wow! Yeah the Sumatra does look like a good candidate!

ETA @JacinLarkwell I had the same pause over her tail...
Tail seemed off for a Sumatra, unless bantams have different tails. What about a rose comb bantam?
Disclaimer: the chances of it being a blue Sumatra are low, much less a bantam one. But not all Sumatras have low tails because there can be poor quality ones.
95 percent chance it is a mix.
It seems to have a pea comb, and most importantly, no white earlobes in sight. So not a Rose comb bantam.

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