Chicken Breeds for new Chicken owner? Help

Thank you for the input everyone, great real-world experience to hear about. I've heard good things about the Red Star. Like Percheron Chick said i'll probably change my mind 100 times and think im well on the way to that # of mind changes. Appreciate the input.

What do people think about the Black Astrolorps? Anyone know if the Black Star are much different from the Red Star? Do others feel that the Easter Eggers are a bit stand-offish?

Im sure lots come down to the individual bird and how they act towards people but i sure like hearing about the tendancies within the breeds.

Fun stuff for sure. thanx all, love to hear more

I haven't had any Australorps myself. However, I've volunteered at a place with Black Australorps before, and I found them to be neither skittish nor overly friendly. I once raised a few Black Stars for a friend, and they were pretty gentle and tame. In my experience, Easter Eggers are friendly and not standoffish (though not as personal as Wyandottes), but thats just my experience.
I have a couple of australorps, agree with the above, mine are neither skittish nor overly friendly, easy to handle if I have to and good layers..

I had two silver laced wyandottes, Thelma and Louise,,at almost a year old, thelma decided to take a huge dislike to one of my spec sussex, and was out to kill her, I rehomed her:( The one remaining, is rather stand offish tho I can handle her pretty well..Thelma was as well, but just seemed to be the alpha of the bunch and ..

All personalities are different, I guess:)
I haven't had any Australorps myself. However, I've volunteered at a place with Black Australorps before, and I found them to be neither skittish nor overly friendly. I once raised a few Black Stars for a friend, and they were pretty gentle and tame. In my experience, Easter Eggers are friendly and not standoffish (though not as personal as Wyandottes), but thats just my experience.
black stars are black and red stars are red and white
I would recommend Black sex-link or Red sex-link. Mine lay a large brown egg every day, they are friendly and not broody. I have a Buff Orpington. She is a beautiful and friendly bird but she isn't a good layer and she prolapsed last week(it took five days to get her back to normal)
And just when you think you have made your final selection you realize that it is not just about the birds, but of course also about the eggs and how pretty different colors and sizes are in that egg basked. So this is where I felt I could have done better when deciding on which breeds to get, instead of just looking at the appearance of the birds, consider what you would like in your eggs (size and colors) and things can get even more complicated - yes, they are just like jelly beans where you just MUST have one of each. Enjoy

PS: I have 3 silkies (my daughter loves those), 1 silver laced wyandotte, 1 easter egger, 1 polish, 1 frizzle bantam cochin and 1 blue copper maran. I think they are all great but I am lusting after a couple of lovely ameraucanas for their beautiful eggs.

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