Chicken Calculator


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 22, 2015
I have seen many of you reference the chicken calculator many times. I Googled it and found it. Problem is, of the two I found, one is English and does not seem to work. Of course, maybe you really always get straight up barred offspring if you use a barred roo. The other one is possibly Norwegian and my Google translator doesn't seem to work and then the calculator produces stuff that I cannot translate or make sense of.

Am I just not doing something right? Or is there a version out there that is English and works good? A link to one that works for you would be great!

You get all barred offspring if your rooster is pure for the trait. But his barred male offspring from non-barred hens would produce chicks, only half of which would be barred. The barrred males from black sex links, whose mothers were barred and whose fathers were not, likewise produce the 50% barred offspring from non barred hens. The caculator works. You do have to know the genetic make up, not just the appearance (phenotype) of the birds. Or, you can figure out the genotype by doing some test breedings and referring to the calculator to see what would have produced the result you are getting. Henk is Dutch. The other calculator you found may have been the Dutch version. What are you trying to find out?
I just happened to think.... If you breed your barred rooster to White Leghorns, the offspring will be barred, but since nearly all the feathers will be white... you won't see it much.
You get all barred offspring if your rooster is pure for the trait. But his barred male offspring from non-barred hens would produce chicks, only half of which would be barred. The barrred males from black sex links, whose mothers were barred and whose fathers were not, likewise produce the 50% barred offspring from non barred hens. The caculator works. You do have to know the genetic make up, not just the appearance (phenotype) of the birds. Or, you can figure out the genotype by doing some test breedings and referring to the calculator to see what would have produced the result you are getting. Henk is Dutch. The other calculator you found may have been the Dutch version. What are you trying to find out?

Thank you for sending me a link to the English version!

I have been frustrated with the low performance egg laying and muscle mass of the dual purpose fowl available at most commercial hatcheries. It takes a generation or two to really ramp up egg production on ALL the birds in a flock, not just a handful. So I figured, if I have to do my own breeding to get what I want, why not have fun with it and build my own line with the traits I want in a chicken? But I wanna get an idea of what color bird I may get when I am done. And how many generations it might take to get them to breed true each time. No way am I even close to schooled enough to go down through and figure out every detail yet. But in the mean time, I can have too much fun dreaming up trouble!

Now I just need to find all the genotype information and I can start making some intelligent sense of that calculator!

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