Chicken 'Catnip'

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Crickets and mealworms are good for a laugh they tear them up!

My girls also go nuts for cold grits and steamed rice. OMG you would think it was the best thing in the world. The love cooked peas also. They turned their beaks up and the carrots too.
Mine are little garbage disposals. They will eat anything and everything. I love to throw grapes or cherry tomatoes in and watch them scramble and chase each other around.
that's a cute thing to feed them!

i eat SEAGULL eggs and they taste delicious! and we all know what THEY eat
gritstar- I bet it would if they ate a lot of it every day. I can't afford to buy them thay much tuna, so my poor little deprived girls only get it every now and then.

In just general treat land, my girls like yogurt, oatmeal, random fruits and veggies, bread products, cooked rice, etc. They are little garbage disposals. But the tuna seems to be the thing they go spastic for. THe other stuff they will munch on and eventually eat. Tuna is consumed instantly with much squwaking and fussing.

MattyP- if we are going to talk football I would have to give a hearty "War Eagle" about now. I just threw in the Vandy and Alabama as I know it irritates you Tennessee folks.
that's a cute thing to feed them!

I have children so my birds have been getting leftover Spaghetti-Os (their very first treat) and Kraft Mac & Cheese since they were about 8 weeks old. Probably why it's still their favorite treats.
that's a cute thing to feed them!

I have children so my birds have been getting leftover Spaghetti-Os (their very first treat) and Kraft Mac & Cheese since they were about 8 weeks old. Probably why it's still their favorite treats.

i've always fed mine alot of leftover salmon (we catch it wild & fresh in the net every summer and freeze alot for winter) and they go NUTS for the stuff!

Shenanigan, my roo (young brown SC leghorn) grabs the biggest chunk (of jsut about any snack) and makes a run for it, his girls chasing him swiftly. it's a very cute sight, but i really wish that horrible, nasty little roo had some manners. he really is a funny little guy though
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I made the girls so oatmeal the other day when it was pretty cold and wet outside. and we hung some lettuce, have given them grapes as well. but i will definitely be giving them leftover noodles next time.
Mine love stale bread. I'll crumb it up because they are 7wks, but it is like crack to them.
When they see me comming with their snack try they go crazy trampling each other to get the first choice of the bread crumbs.

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