Chicken Chili

Sunny Side Up

Count your many blessings...
11 Years
Mar 12, 2008
Loxahatchee, Florida
To make room in the freezer after we butchered our standard breed roos I slow-simmered them with fresh herbs until their meat slipped of their bones, then separated the white from dark and froze it. These birds gave about an equal amount of each kind of meat, and I like making Chicken Chili with the dark meat.

I just chop up the meat into bits, and mix it in with:
-a jar of salsa
-a can of diced tomatoes
-a can of tomato sauce
-a package of frozen diced green peppers
-a can or two of pinto or kidney beans
-a can of Mexi-corn

If I'm serving it at a family meal I'll simmer everything together & serve it all hot, with rice or cornbread, and topped with shredded cheese. But since the meat is already cooked, I can just dump & mix everything together cold, and store it in the refrigerator for anyone to heat themselves a bowl at a time.
Well that's certainly time saving, and frugal! Thanks!

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