>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chicken Contest>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ENDS ON VALENTINE

Stink Eye:

Stan's 5 am Stink eye: Rooster

Stan's YUCK photo Rooster expression

Maria, How did that get on my back? JG Pullet Expression

Jennifer Who farted in the coop? JG hen Stink eye/expression

Legs I'm sleepy JG hen/expression

Stan's Severe Stink Eye JG Rooster

Louise: Broody Stink Eye JG pullet

Cardboard chicken Say What? JG pullet/expression

What's that on my back? JG pullets/expression

Stan the Man Are you still my friend? Cockerel/Expression

My entry for best stink eye. McDonalds - Queen of the stink eye.
look, she even sneaks in to give it to me :gig
Something about her always looks angry.. I am guessing it's her eye fluff. She has actual eyebrows. She does puff them up for me when she feels like being broody. She is a reliable layer, but it takes her at least 2-3 hours to lay her egg. She loves to nest. She is a silver spangled hamburg mixed with buff laced polish. She is 10 months old. :) Really funny chicken.

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