chicken coop names...

Mine is called "Greer Acres" because my last name is Greer
I think I'm going with "Chicken Pot Pie".

I have two Barred Rocks as the seasonings (Salt & Pepper) and one Black Australorp as the burnt crust. LOL! They are the adults. In the brooder now are a Delware for the potatoes, a Golden Sex Link for the carrots and a Speckled Sussex for the peas. Originally I was going for green eggs but couldn't get an Americuana in time. And they're all chickens so....I think I've got all the ingredients covered.

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I'll be constructing my Coopdominium very soon. I had to postpone my lil chicken venture for a few years due to some family illnesses and I'm looking forward to getting this underway. You see, I'm self proclaimed weekend fried egg sandwich connoisseur and can't wait to pluck some fresh one's for a Sunday morning brunch.


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