chicken coops


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 26, 2014
im looking for opions im about to put up a bigger and more permint coop for my hens/rossters and the opion im looking for is what would by the difference of useing 3/4 inch lattice compared to useing chicken wire. i need to keep my flock safe and still need to keep it neat in apperance and im thinking the lattice would look alot neater then chicken wire outside of the cost what would be the pros and the cons on it
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Chicken wire is rather useless on all exterior parts of the coop and run. It can be chewed through, ripped apart, bent and broken and large hawks can dive right through the stuff. Lattice by itself is not very strong either. When using wire, hardware cloth is the ONLY way to go. It is very strong and will hold back the largest of predators.

So what you might do is use hardware cloth on the run itself and you can then cover that with Lattice. That way it looks nice and is very predator proof.

You can get more help in our coop and run construction forums too...

Good luck with all your projects! If you have any further questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Agreed - the chicken wire is not strong enough to keep out a larger predator (raccoon, dog, coyote, bear, etc.) I'm not sure what kind of predators you have in your area. The holes in the lattice are large enough for smaller predators to get in, such as snakes and weasels. In addition, if you ever have chicks they will be able to escape through the lattice.

I used the coated hardware cloth on my new chicken run. It wasn't cheap, but it looks great and should keep animals out and the chickens in. We just finished it in August. The hardware cloth is coated with a green polymer that will prevent it from rusting. The frame is built out of pine with the hardware cloth sandwiched in between. I'll try to post a pic later if you are interested. We also installed a clear PVC roof over the run to allow light in while keeping the chickens dry (and safe from aerial assault).
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Chicken wire is rather useless on all exterior parts of the coop and run. It can be chewed through, ripped apart, bent and broken and large hawks can dive right through the stuff. Lattice by itself is not very strong either. When using wire, hardware cloth is the ONLY way to go. It is very strong and will hold back the largest of predators.

So what you might do is use hardware cloth on the run itself and you can then cover that with Lattice. That way it looks nice and is very predator proof.

You can get more help in our coop and run construction forums too...

Good luck with all your projects! If you have any further questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!

X 2 - the lattice itself will not keep the flock safe, but will make a nice aesthetic cover for the wire that will.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

X3 chicken wire is basically a welcoming to predators. Lattice, hardware cloth and hog panels all will keep the predators away.

Good luck!

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