Chicken Crafts! (Show Off Your Craftiness)

I'm a stay-at-home mom for the time being, so I've been building stuff and painting while the kids nap. I've never been much of a painter--usually just draw or play with ceramics.

I've been making boxes with a bunch of wood scraps. Most are going to be Easter baskets for the kids, friends and neighbors:

I built this bench on an old tree stump--gives me a place to sit while watching the hens and my son run around. The sign says "Fresh Eggs" in Czech (didn't want it in English since I don't have enough hens to "advertize" eggs):

I made this sign to go up on a small coop I plan on making out of an old outhouse:

Another box:

A Naked Neck sign:

You are very creative, I love it all!!
DD wanted to make a crayon melt for an art project. She thought it looked like a crying rainbow - which then reminded her of the "Rainbow Bridge" poem. So she turned her canvas into a memorial for our beloved Cuddles. (The best chicken I ever had.) I still miss my sweet Cuddles, but I'm proud of my compassionate little artist. I doubt the judges will understand, but I know some of you will.

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