Chicken crafty-bonding with my kids...


9 Years
Mar 22, 2015
Orange County, California

So let me start by saying I'm kind of a terrible mother. Well, I just don't spend enough time with my kids. I work full time and go to law school at night and that is time-killing like you wouldn't believe. And add kids, dog, cats, chickens & the small farm.... it's a lot. Thank goodness for my husband -- he is awesome.

But my husband was out of town Saturday night, and I wanted to do something fun with the kids besides watch a movie or TV. So we played with the chicks & painted some "chicken art" to hang in the coop. I haven't had time yet to hang it all outside, but we sure did have fun!

I am the boring one who painted my chicken to look like a chicken. The kids made "galaxy" chickens with stars and planets on them. My son made a Seattle Seahawks chicken (I didn't have the heart to tell him hawks are predators, not our friends), and a camouflage army chicken? And my daughter was focused on flowers on her chickens. Whatever. It was such a fun little project! We used to do artsy projects a lot when they were little, but now they're both in high school. It was fun to do something creative together. And now their art will help beautify the coop! Win-win!

What a fun idea - looks like your kids had a great time. I didn't know you could get chicken cutouts like that either! Now I'm wanting some for my coop too, as nameplates for my girls.
I bought a wood chicken in the same shape on etsy. Then I thought of this project, and contacted the company about buying more, but they didn't want to be flexible about the shipping, so I made my own. I traced the hens onto a piece of plywood, and my Dad cut them out with a saw.

Surprisingly, no one got pooped on. The littles were on their best behavior, I guess.

And no, it doesn't hurt when they climb on us. Their feet are really warm, which surprises me every time. ♡
I just want to say I love this!!!

My family did something like this eons ago when my brothers and I were in high and middle school it was so much fun but we just used square boards and all of them have been saved and some even got framed.

Good for you bonding with your kids!
I bought a wood chicken in the same shape on etsy. Then I thought of this project, and contacted the company about buying more, but they didn't want to be flexible about the shipping, so I made my own.

Thanks for that info. I just ordered some off etsy, there's different shapes and sizes available with all the sellers on there. I couldn't think of a good idea for nameplates (I didn't want to just have a name written on a board) but I felt inspired after seeing what your family did.

Surprisingly, no one got pooped on. The littles were on their best behavior, I guess.

Very lucky... when mine were little I got pooped on almost daily!
Just lovely! And a nice reminder about doing stuff with the kids - I might try to come up with something similar over the summer with our kids!
Don't beat yourself up - you are a great mum. I had to leave my older 2 under DHs care (he was great - even took over the laundry :lau) much of the time while I did my nursing and midwifery (5 years all up)- yes I missed stuff and didn't have time but I think it was good for them to see me studying. They will be so proud of you and inspired by you all thier lives :highfive::thumbsup

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