Chicken Crying when I took her eggs and nest?!!

MY EE doesn't have a broody bone in her body, not 1... but acts that same exact way everyday when she goes to hide her silly nest. Oh, take that back... every other day.

Except the sleeping outside part. But that could partly be pecking order stuff making her avoid going to roost in the evening, for the OP's WCBP. SO many things and dynamics at play, hard to say for sure...

But I agree if she is broody, breaking her is the kind thing to do. And also that it was/is a possibility and it's always good to consider all possibilities.

And I have seen people with really level heads on here almost flip their tops by taking something out of context that they otherwise wouldn't have blinked at on a regular day. Communication is a very elaborate ritual whether written, spoken, signed, or other. My husband and I can say the exact same thing but argue about who is right sometimes when it is just different wording. And even when people are in person they may not realize (if they don't know me) this is my tone and it isn't harsh but caring and matter of fact. A joke on one day might be funny but another day it might hurt!

I am very thankful to be a part of the BYC community where I KNOW MOST people here are well meaning and mature enough to not just stir the pot to see if it will boil over! And many members who I respect greatly and would call someone out if I thought it was a miss just as rebrascora did. Not as matter of ugliness but I guess out of shock as well.
Plus, maybe they can share with me the reason why they didn't suspect whatever the subject may be at that particular time.
No matter what I've learned or try to share... to a degree I'm here out of selfishness, because I wanna know more!

It's easy to see how churches, families, and countries can be so divided even looking at the same words.

I have read and reread this post and I'm as clearly confused as the chicken. In my opinion the chicken was broody and I would say in not a safe place outside of the coop. Your chickens should be counted before you secure the door for their safety. If you would have carried the box back to the coop and gave her several eggs she would have probably stayed in the coop.
Disagree 100%... about her staying where you put her with eggs... depends on the bird. But you could move a whole nest that had been properly brooded for more than two weeks and lock the broody inside with it and still have her abandon every single egg and go back to her original spot. Never even attempting to sit on the nest but just standing at the door griping to get out. Ask me, I know! You really are risking loss of the whole brood. So you have to know your bird and such. I've tried moving a broody and nest before with no success. Tried moving my broody to a nice location with just her eggs, she wouldn't have it. But moved her where I wanted her at the same time I replaced the eggs with chicks DURING THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT and locked her in a she stayed just fine with those chicks. Same hen, same chicks.. tried moving to a safer location or different box with chicks and she just frantically wanted me to leave them alone. And she chose where she wants them to go. SO doesn't matter what we think, a determined hen will do as she darn well pleases.

Which brings a good point... you can get away with doing many things during the night much easier, somehow. Adding new birds, moving nest, checking/ treating for parasites. Maybe moving a broody nest during the night will be more successful than the ones I've tried during the day! I know it will! Because they have to stay calm and settled down and then when they wake up in their new digs maybe not so frantic to get back to the original location... I'll have to try to remember that! I share all my really good pointers with my daughter that way when I'm trying to think about what to do she can remind me. With so many things in my head it can be difficult to pull the right one out at the right time... and I'm like I knew that, why didn't I think of it.
Two heads really are better than 1.
Love all the brain storming going on!

I agree it's good to count your chickens before you lock your door. Which I do every night as well as removing any feed to avoid attracting pest. But some people never lock their birds up at all. When I lived in the city, I didn't either for 2 years and never had a loss. For some people I guess it isn't as important as it is for others. And to a degree I wish I didn't have to WORRY about doing it... but in my current location, one would be stupid not to. Guess I can't afford the loss. Back then I had 3 chickens, now 56.

Anyways I didn't mean the disagree as an attack, hope it didn't come across that way!
Yours was a good idea and may work for some, but I've experienced the bad reality is all.

LOVE this community!

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