Chicken Curses!


Mar 19, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
Does anyone have a chicken curse?
can you not get a particular breed? Do all of your blue egg layers lay brown?
We are here now, to share our curses!

Unfortunately I have 3 curses, hoping I can break them soon.
  1. Smooth feathers- I CAN NOT get smooth feathers for some reason! earlier this year I bought some hybrid eggs, both infertile. Then my smooth polish was male! I have some d'uccles due soon so I hope I can break that curse
  2. The 3 chick curse! On my first hatch, I set 6 eggs, all fertile, 3 chicks! Then 6 eggs for my broody, 4 fertile, 3 chicks!
  3. I hate this one... 2\3 are roosters, both hatches! Hopefully I can get more girls this hatch :he
Share your curse!
here are some starter questions:

  • What is the curse?
  • Is it a good or bad curse?
  • How many times has it happened?
  • did you try to break it? Did you manage?
can you not get a particular breed? Do all of your blue egg layers lay brown?
This was me. But recently.....

Hmmm... I actually do have one.... My chicken curse is that I can’t own any polish chickens that are are actually colorful. I have 3 black white crested girls and 2 silver laced girls (that are eight months), 2 black white crested chicks, and one crevecoeur (that are 4 months). They are all black and white! The only one that isn’t black and white is the fully black crevecoeur! I ordered two golden laced pullets but ended up with the two black white crested! And Baby Margo died. They have crossbeaks in there now that are colorful, but they aren’t polish!:barnie

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