chicken disappeared without a trace


So happy for you! I was going to suggest may be she flew to the neighbor's yard. Hopefully all that rain last night will make her think twice about getting in the tree next time.

So jealous....I want Salmon Faverolles! Have to wait to finish nursing school first! She is beautiful.
Thanks! If you get the chance, I highly recommend them. She has a great personality - very sweet and friendly. I've heard that they can be at the bottom of the pecking order, but this isn't the case for us. Lucy is one of our head chicks. Our Silver-laced Wyandotte has been testing the pecking order lately, and often gives the 2 Easter Eggers the business - but Lucy gets right in her face and makes her back down. Nobody messes with Lucy!
Thanks everybody! Nobody slept well last night, so the whole family is dragging today. My poor daughter went to school this morning with very puffy eyes from crying all evening. And today - the chickens are annoyed with me because now I'm hesitant to let them out without a chaperone! I'll get over it, but today, just keeping everybody safe.

I am glad there was a happy ending to this!!! My 2 fav girls did this to me about a week ago and they too were found the next morning hiding upstairs in the barn! I love my Favs, both the boys and the girls. They just have this awesome personality that demands attention all the time. LOl I have 2 boys and 2 girls named Lenny, Squiggy, Laverne & Shirley and they really fit their names!
Glad you found your Lucy!!!

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