Chicken Discipline??

Xiao Casa

5 Years
May 12, 2014
South Texas
I have six hens, all 8 weeks old. We love having chickens and it is wonderful to go outside and play with them, but I do have one concern. They are all quite friendly, but one of them is almost overly so. As soon as we come into the run, they all scamper up to us and look for treats. Once they realize we do not have any for them, all but this one wander off and mind their own chicken business. Not her. She lingers near us, then begins to leap up and peck our legs.

Is there a way to teach her that this is not acceptable behavior?? All of the chickens did this occasionally at first, but I let them know that it was not okay with me and the other five got the message. The Barred Rock in question hasn't yet grasped this, however. So, I was wondering, how do you train your chickens to behave themselves? What disciplines or punishments could I give to teach her? (A harsh "NO" and a brushing aside worked with the others, just not her!)

This is the culprit:
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She needs to be spoken to in chicken language. When she does this, you can peck her back with your finger. Give her a quick poke in the chest. When you do this, you can add a verbal one word command. (No! or Stop!) would suffice. Or you could grab her feathers at the back of her neck, and hold her head down to the ground. Hold her there until she submits and keeps her head down voluntarily. This is what a superior flock mate would do to her if she stepped out of the pecking order... which she is doing when she pecks you.
If she jumps on your back, take her off feet first and carry her around upside down for a minute or two, then put her down. If she does it again, repeat the procedure and make sure to tell her NO firmly and loudly. I think a few times of this and she'll lose interest in being carted around upside down and jumping on you. Let us know if it works!
Both responders have given you excellent advice. I would try the first one first. If she doesn't learn to behave after a couple days of being "pecked" by your finger, then try the more drastic approach that Peeps offered.

Be sure to say "no!" forcefully and in the future, a voice command will be all you'll need. I know because it works for me.
Okay, I'll do my best! One of the things that happens when she does this is kind of funny -- if she is really being mean then the alpha hen will run up to her and give her a sound peck on the head. Still, she doesn't seem to get it, not for very long at least. I will definitely try everything you've recommended. If it works I'll let you know!!
Okay, so an update. I didn't actually get to try any of the suggestions here, because as soon as I started researching ways to punish her, my pullet stopped misbehaving! Oh well, at least she's back to being her sweet submissive self.

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