Hello, chicken newbie.
I have 3 girls in a small but plenty big enough for 3 coop attached to a run coop (Buff Orpington, Australorpe, Americauna/Easter Egger). They are about 18 weeks old.
All 3 return to the coop from the run or the chicken yard at dusk and get on the same side, but my Buff doesn't roost on a roost. She sleeps on the floor of the coop in a corner right next to the other 2 girls.
There's plenty of space on the roost for all 3, she just seems to choose to curl up in the corner. I don't care too much except shes sitting in the poop. I just switched from having shavings under that roost with a poop board to having a tray with PDZ (which scoops like a litter box really easily) and shes still getting down in the box and fluffing up to sleep.
I have 3 girls in a small but plenty big enough for 3 coop attached to a run coop (Buff Orpington, Australorpe, Americauna/Easter Egger). They are about 18 weeks old.
All 3 return to the coop from the run or the chicken yard at dusk and get on the same side, but my Buff doesn't roost on a roost. She sleeps on the floor of the coop in a corner right next to the other 2 girls.
There's plenty of space on the roost for all 3, she just seems to choose to curl up in the corner. I don't care too much except shes sitting in the poop. I just switched from having shavings under that roost with a poop board to having a tray with PDZ (which scoops like a litter box really easily) and shes still getting down in the box and fluffing up to sleep.