Chicken doing a funky dance


7 Years
Sep 19, 2012
Yes, I searched the forum first...but, not the same type of dance.

I have a bantum brahma...Gulliver is her name...she has always been shy and quite and reserved. Recently, however, she is doing this funky "dance" thing. It isn't what others have stated with her wings and "running" in place. She stands there...stretches out her neck and then moves it around...very rhythmic. LOOKS like a mating type of thing GIRL chickens do this?

Could there be something wrong? She has always been quite and stays to her self...but, she seems to be a bit more reserved...not lethargic but...when she does her "dance" she is usually over there...alone. She does, however, intermingle with the other girls off and on during the day (which is normal for her)

Should I be worried?

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