
In the Brooder
Mar 25, 2024
i got this hen a couple years ago so she’s 2 or 3 years old. it looks like she never lost her baby tooth (i think that’s what it’s called? a small hook on the tip of her beak) i looked it up and it said it was fine so i left her since she was too skittish even if i was supposed to trim it or something. ever since i got her i’ve noticed her doing a couple strange actions. nothing concerning i’m just curious. to be honest my first thought was “can chickens have autism?” because it reminded me of stimming 😂. she scrapes her beak on the ground side to side a lot even if she hasn’t eaten anything gooey. none of the other hens do this it’s just her. she also always has her feathers all fluffed up for no reason. she flaps her wings up a lot but not in a panicky way or anything and different than my other hens. more like she’s trying to stretch her wings up and out and flapping is just to keep them up. she also will randomly do this little stomping thing that looks like she’s dancing. i’m not at all concerned since she’s being doing this as long as i’ve known her but just curious what could cause this? i can update with videos tomorrow once it’s bright out as well.

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