Chicken droppings absorbant material nececery?


7 Years
Apr 4, 2012
All sorts of different stuff to absorb chicken droppings , how about having a water proof coop floor and wiping it clean once a week? Is there any problems with this I read Some things dont absorb Amonia as much as others so having nothing will absorb none however adiquate ventilation shud be ok right? however maybe cold for the chickens having enough ventilation, will amonia be produced straight away or after more than a week of the poop rotting down? Planning having a hen house for 6 rhode island red hens, with a water proof 4' x 4' base + Nest box, with two 4' purches inside another thing would like to know whats the Hens favorite thickness of purch to encourage them to purch rather than walk in their droppings.
Chicken droppings are pretty gross- and acidic- it could burn their feet if you let it build up, can you wash it down daily?

Besides- You wouldn't want to live with a week's worth of y our droppings...

Not sure if you gave the total size of your coop - but 4*4 feet is not large enough for six chickens to be stuck in their droppings for a week, not even daily really.
Also you will need to conciser two nest boxes for six hens one for every approx 3 hens- they share but not -that- well.

On the board for a coop just for the night four square feet per bird is recommended for health and safety. 6*4 = 24 square feet suggested. you are planning 4*4=16 square feet at the moment.

Mine have different thicknesses to perch on and choose on their own.

Good luck- I have that composite boards for my ledges and vinyl (lattice) flooring in my run to prevent dig ins and dig outs.

Here on BYC you can research anything and get great advise. These are just my answers.

All sorts of different stuff to absorb chicken droppings , how about having a water proof coop floor and wiping it clean once a week? I believe that would end up being Too much work in the end. Lime or sweet pdz works well to dry up the poop. when added to your bedding.

Is there any problems with this I read Some things dont absorb Amonia as much as others so having nothing will absorb none however adiquate ventilation shud be ok right? Ventilation (and not drafts in winter) is always a good thing. They need fresh air 24/7.

however maybe cold for the chickens having enough ventilation,Chickens can handle the cold better than the heat. (they do have a down jacket on for winter)

will amonia be produced straight away or after more than a week of the poop rotting down? If you have too many chickens in a small coop the poop/ammonia will build up faster.

Planning having a hen house for 6 rhode island red hens, with a water proof 4' x 4' base So what you are saying is you have a 4'x4' coop? The rule of thumb would be 4 square feet per bird for the coop and 10 sqft per bird for the outside run., (but more is better). Especially with poop management. So for 6 hens you would need a minimum of 24 sqft (4'x4' is 16sqft)

+ Nest box, 2-3 would be plenty.

with two 4' purches inside That would be plenty of perch space. rule of thumb is 10-12" per bird.

another thing would like to know whats the Hens favorite thickness of purch Some people use tree branches or 2x4's turned so lg flat side is up. So in cold area's they can cover their feet with their breast feathers to help them stay warm.

to encourage them to purch rather than walk in their droppings. I am not sure I understand this question?
Chickens perch at night. They feel safe from predators at a higher level. they are usually off the perch scrounging for hidden treasures in their coop or out in the run or the yard as soon as it is light out side.
I would suggest pine shavings and atleast cleaning by the roost every day or every other. If you use sand it would be pretty easy to scoop the poop daily like a litter box. I have 7 chickens in a 6x8 shed and it starts to stink after 3 days.Speaking of which I need to clean MY coop out!
Alltment is over a mile away so hoping to have as little maintainance to do as possible, if was in my back garden which they would be if it was a lot bigger I would wash it everyday.

Quote: Haha thats very true, I never looked at it from the chickens point of view.

Quote: My Enclosure will be 12' Wide x 50' long and 7' high and coop door will be open 24/7 so I needn't open and close everyday.

Quote: Ah ok will sell my chicken coop and build a larger one, will work out well because allotment has no water supply so a large shed will be good to catch rain water

Quote: Might build one much larger, to catch more rain water, room for expansion incase my egg consumption goes up and the more space the merrier the hens will be.

good idea they will grow too so their favorite size will change and in winter they may want larger purch.

Quote: I will look out for the vinyl (lattice) will be good for people with a small run so the chickens arn't stud in wet mud, I am hoping to have a large enough enclosure for the grass to remain green, folks in near by allotment said "no matter how big of space I have they will make it muddy" thats rubbish because when I had an allotment with Ex Girlfriends Dad he had 12 runs about 12'x12' each with atleast three chickens in most of them were eaten bare and were muddy however one run was about 14'x14' and had three Polish chickens which are medium to small chicken and it remained nice and green and so did another run it only had batams in though, I think it was the Maran run that remained green in summer not winter. I will eat my hat if 6 chickens eat bare an Enclosure 12' Wide x 50' long. I really dont fancy eating my hat so if it starts to look bare I may eat a chicken
You are planning to check on them, if not clean the coop, daily, right? I sympathize on the small yard.
I do hope you'll be checking in on the chickens daily.....what about feeding and water for them. Also are you planning on keeping them cooped up in the coop all day, every day?

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