Chicken eaten dog,. total look of guilt!

I think everybody here cares very much for the chicken. I care very much for my chickens AND my dogs and every other animal on my place. That's why I keep them separate! A dog is a predator and asking it, especially a hunting breed, to ignore chickens running loose is a recipe for disaster. Then the owner gets mad and the dog gets the boot. I am not condoning or trying to make excuses for a chicken killing dog, I'm just saying owners need to use common sense and make sure the animals they choose to keep are kept safe from each other. If they choose to allow them to mix then it is the owners fault when things go bad.

I also would not keep a dog that attacked and killed another of my own dogs. That is totally different, aggressive behavior for completely different reasons.

Hopefully Maggie gets the home she deserves where she can be valued for what she is, a hunting dog.
She's beautiful. FYI for dog owners: Patricia McConnell talked about a study done about supposed dog "guilt". The look they give is simply because they pick up on our reactions to finding or witnessing the dirty deed.

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