Chicken Feed-changing all the time?


10 Years
Sep 29, 2009
South Africa
Our local TWK stocks one type of poultry feed this week and a diffrent on the next week. I'm worried about upset tummies (the pullets) .
Will it be okay if thet don't have the same PF every time I have to go buy some or should I just ask for the same feed every time?
Our TWK is like a TSC, though if you ask for something you have the price increase.


Owlbox Starter Feed 20kg R67.28 each
If you ask for it, it becomes
Owlbox Starter Feed 20kg R87.28 each.

Anyway thanks!
Well, I won't comment on the way they do business. I'm thinking a lot of things, though!

To deal with that situation, I'd just try not to run too low on feed, before I got more. Then I'd just mix the new and old feed together for a few days, when you need to switch them. If the ingredients are similar, it shouldn't bother them to just switch them. If you notice that the protein ingredients are totally different, like soy vs fish meal, as an example, I would definitely give them a few days to adapt to it. I'm sure lots of people just switch their chickens over without bothering, but I'm a little more cautious.

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