Chicken frozen in place


5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
One of my Rhode Island Reds is in a strange state. She seems to be frozen in place. Yesterday she stood semi-crouched in the corner of the coop all day, and today she went outside but stopped in the middle of the yard and hasn't moved for a couple hours.
She keeps making a chewing action with her mouth, like she is drinking. My husband also says he's heard a watery gurgle come from her, but I have not heard this myself.
Any ideas?
The other two are fine.
She's most likely sick and needs to be examined. Is her crop oversized? Is her abdomen swollen? Is there egg on her butt fluff?
No to those, but she has been puking a yellowy liquid when she bends her head down.
So we raised the water to her height and she was able to drink. Then she started to make movements like she was choking. Now she is just standing with her eyes closed.
No to those, but she has been puking a yellowy liquid when she bends her head down.
So we raised the water to her height and she was able to drink. Then she started to make movements like she was choking. Now she is just standing with her eyes closed.
Really sounds like sour or impacted crop to me, likely sour.
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Yes, if liquid is coming out it is likely sour crop. does her crop feel big and squishy like a water balloon? if so, treat her for a sour crop.
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