Chicken gone with no trace


In the Brooder
Dec 6, 2020
Today when I went to close up the coop today I notice one of our polish hens was missing which just happened to be the families favorite. My general reaction was to walk down to the woods where we have lost 3 already but those had all been all over the place im talking a leg in one place and a wing and body 3 feet away but for her we found nothing No feathers, no blood, no nothing. So I'm wondering if they could just be lost and can't find her way back or umm in heaven. Also any tips to find her?
Today when I went to close up the coop today I notice one of our polish hens was missing which just happened to be the families favorite. My general reaction was to walk down to the woods where we have lost 3 already but those had all been all over the place im talking a leg in one place and a wing and body 3 feet away but for her we found nothing No feathers, no blood, no nothing. So I'm wondering if they could just be lost and can't find her way back or umm in heaven. Also any tips to find her?
So sorry about this. Hopefully, she has just gone broody. Check all secluded areas. I lost my araucana to a fox, she was the family's fav too. Chickens with afros tend to be more vulnerable to predators. Walk around calling her name, and shaking some food. You said there was no traces. Do you have any bird predators (such as an eagle) in your area? Good luck - hope you will find her! :hugs:fl
Oh no. Well, if she's gone broody, she could be in any dark corner. My friend found hers in their barn under the stairs after 2 weeks of looking, and then only because she moved ever so slightly. Look up. Make sure she didn't decide that a tree branch would be home for the night. I hope she turns up for you.
So sorry about this. Hopefully, she has just gone broody. Check all secluded areas. I lost my araucana to a fox, she was the family's fav too. Chickens with afros tend to be more vulnerable to predators. Walk around calling her name, and shaking some food. You said there was no traces. Do you have any bird predators (such as an eagle) in your area? Good luck - hope you will find her! :hugs:fl
This morning I went out there because it wasn't dark any more. And yep the hawks still evidently love to display their works of "art" it looked like a feathers party

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