(Chicken got a cold?) Added Info.(MS/MG,ILT,CRD,NPIP)

What does warm/cold Tylan/Denagard dipping of eggs consist of? I'm thinking maybe I need to get a swab on the rooster. Today he's the only one that sounds croupy, and not nearly as bad as yesterday morning. It's making me wonder if he doesn't have something irritating his nasal cavity. Everyone else is fine, I saw eye whites and thought it was wateriness. I'm panicking early to beat the rush, it seems.

Wouldn't the only way to actually know if I've had exposure is to send in swabs? Gosh, this is full on for 6 birds that are 8 months old!
Testing kit 6 swabs tube test $25 per disease

BECTON DICKINSON MICROBIOLOGY 220099 CultureSwab with liquid Stuart media Pack 50

If you've already started treating with antibiotics you've compromised testing him. In the link provided, lets you include 6 swabs per tube. Swab more than 1 bird. There are different strains of these diseases, some more virulent than others - it's not necessarily 100% fatal otherwise there'd be no chronic or carrier birds. That's not to say your roo has anything more than some sinus irritation or even an ordinary infection. IF it's not spread to your other birds at all then unlikely to be disease. It's easy to let fear and panic grip you just as on the flip side to tuck your head in denial. Testing lets you KNOW. Then manage from there.
Just got a new rooster today... after a 4 hour round trip to pick him up.

Have him in quarantine... watching him and noticed his seems congested in his breathing and he is coughing occasionally. No watery eyes or swollen sinuses and no mucus discharge.. and he can sure crow fine.

I don't know what to do... take him back or treat him with antibiotics?

I keep Japanese bantams.. its took me so long to track down a rooster the colour I wanted... I know if I take him back I have to start my search all over again.. which has taken over 6 months!!!

He is perfect show quality and very lively, good body condition and no other signs of sickness.

Some of my birds have had respiratory disease in the past.. (infectious bronchitis and mild 'colds'), but they have been symptom free for over 2 years.. and some of my new birds have not been exposed to respiratory diseases (to my knowledge).

I have some rare colours and valuable birds... I just don't know what to do. My hen of the new colour rooster is getting old (over 5 years).. and if I have to wait another 6 months to get a new rooster for her I fear she will be too old for breeding.

So frustrating!!!!!!!!!!

PS.. I can't understand why using antibiotics does not kill all the disease causing bacteria.. and why they still remain carriers? If it only killed some of the bacteria, then how come the chickens appear to get better?
I say keep him away from the others and maybe try treating with Baytril if he doesn't improve, or take him back.

I say keep him away from the others and maybe try treating with Baytril if he doesn't improve, or take him back.

If I treat him with antibiotics..... and he recovers.... then he will still be a carrier of the respiratory disease right?

And then, when he seems healthy and free from the disease and I add him to my collection.... he will spread the disease to my birds/// even though he shows no symptoms?

Its so hard to know what to do. I really don't want to take him back... but I think that the price of loosing my current flock is too great... just for the sake of this one rooster.

I am going to take him back tomorrow. More wasted time, and I doubt the guy will give me my money back.. plus I have to pay the bus and taxi fares. But I guess it will be better in the long run.
I say keep him away from the others and maybe try treating with Baytril if he doesn't improve, or take him back.


If I treat him with antibiotics..... and he recovers.... then he will still be a carrier of the respiratory disease right?

And then, when he seems healthy and free from the disease and I add him to my collection.... he will spread the disease to my birds/// even though he shows no symptoms?

Its so hard to know what to do.  I really don't want to take him back... but I think that the price of loosing my current flock is too great... just for the sake of this one rooster.

I am going to take him back tomorrow.  More wasted time, and I doubt the guy will give me my money back.. plus I have to pay the bus and taxi fares.  But I guess it will be better in the long run.

If he has mycoplasma, yes, then consider the rest of your flock positive for it. If you've ever used Tylan and had it work then your flock already has mycoplasma.

Not all respiratory infections are mycoplasma, IB, etc., some are just bacterial infections. Can you have him tested? That way you would know for sure.

If he has mycoplasma, yes, then consider the rest of your flock positive for it. If you've ever used Tylan and had it work then your flock already has mycoplasma.

Not all respiratory infections are mycoplasma, IB, etc., some are just bacterial infections. Can you have him tested? That way you would know for sure.

I have good news.

This morning I went to check on him... I even took a box with me to put him in to take him back to the shop.

I watched him for a few minutes and he seemed to be normal.. with no signs of the coughing or congested sounds.

I kept checking on him throughout the day.. I even got him out and held him to my ear to listen to his breathing... NOTHING. Yesterday it was crackly breathing when I held him to my ear.

So I have kept him... still in isolation at the far side of my property where my chickens never venture.

I have added some apple cider vinegar to his water.

I think the 4 hours journey home may have stressed him. it was a very hot day... 34 degrees, I had to travel by foot, then a bus with no air con, then a motorbike taxi, then my own pushbike.. and the roads have many pot holes! (I live out in the countryside of northern Thailand and can't drive).

I was hot and stressed out myself... so maybe that was why he was acting a bit off.

I am still concerned about him... so will keep him separate for at least 2 more weeks.

In the past my other birds had infectious bronchitis.. and months before that a few had congestion sounded crackly breathing. They all recovered without any treatment apart from rest and no stress.. and lots of high nutritional tasty foods.

My birds are very tough and hardy.. and have got natural immunity to most things by now... over the years they have had many ailments, I must have bred hundreds of chicks... and sometimes a few die.. but most grow up to reproduce themselves. So its only the survival of the fittest...and now its very rare for a chick to die or get sick.

I rarely buy in new birds.. but when I do they are the ones that die if they get a disease.. even really mild cases.. I had a pullet get one dry fowl pox lesion and she died! I think other breeders may over medicate their birds or keep them inside and not exposed to any diseases. This is fine for them.. but when the birds get out into the real world outdoors they have no resistance to even the most trivial thing.

Many of my chickens are getting up to 10 years old.. still laying eggs. All are plump and healthy and all very placid and even tempered.. I used to cull any aggressive ones or ones that had bad parenting skills.

I have never vaccinated any.. and never de wormed them. The only chemical I use is an anti mite powder a couple times a month in their dust baths.
All poultry have worms.
Could have been dust shaken up in transport. Irritations like that can lead to secondary bacterial infections.
Add a female with him in quarentine - if she becomes ill then he is a carrier . If he does you have issues in your flock. In addition - this route may yield offspring from him that can be clean hatched regardless of the out come.
Hey everyone!

I have been doing endless research on how to protect my breeding stock from MG. I am needing to bring in new blood to keep my stock genetically diverse and have landed on dipping the hatching eggs that are shipped to me in denaguard.

Folks mention egg dipping here but can anyone give an exact recipe/technique?

In my research of other forums this surfaced:

5ml denaguard for 1 gallon of water. Incubate new hatching eggs in a separate incubator from the one you use to incubate/hatch your clean stock for 3 hours at 98 degrees. After three hours submerge the eggs in the egg dip solution which has been brought down to 5 degrees using ice in the water. Keep the eggs in this solution for 30 minutes. The differencen in egg and water temperature allows allows the denaguard to penetrate the shell of the egg.

Folks claim that doing the cold dip on warm eggs does lower the viability of the eggs but also gives a 75% female to 25% male hatch rate.


I have tried this method on two sets of hatching eggs last week and will not know for three weeks of the 5 degree water is going to be the end of the eggs.
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First I will give you a website to search and tell you how to navigate it, go to www.tiamutin.com when the page comes up there is a menu on the left, locate pig and poultry diseases and click on that, about half way down the page is about chickens, so skip the pig stuff, read thru the chickens information, then look above the menu see the empty box, in that box enter the word lesions and hit go, another page will come up, from the list locate mycoplasmas and click on that and read, this explains how it starts, once you are done reading that, go back to the box, put the words field trials in the box, there are 3 of them, once you start reading thru them you will find this is rated better than anything we currently have her for the birds, this product is not available to us in the US, its made here and shipped to Europe where it is labeled for pigs and poultry, it isn't even available in Canada, I found what we have here, same drug slightly different amount, very slight, in the box also do 12.5 solution and hit go, pay particular attention to the precautions of what can't be in the feed when using this, also in the box put the word coccidiosis and hit go, another page will come up, from the list locate anti=coccidials and click on that and read, those are the drugs that are safe to use with this product, using anything else other than what is stated from this site as safe can cause stunting of growth and even death, so you have to pay particular attention to the precautions and not ignore them, any other drugs used should be at least 7 days before or after the use of what I use to be safe, I would say wormers are even out when using this to be safe. Medicated chick starter with Amprolium in it is what I use for started chicks, and again I called the manufacturer of the feed to make for sure that was what they used. Also in the box put the words zero egg if it isn't in the menu and read thru that. There are 2 different poultry dosage charts, one is from the menu, the other you put in the empty box to access, you will see on the one there is headers at the top, one header says preventataive, the other says treatment, you will notice the treatment dosages are different from the preventative dosages and you will also see this can be used several different ways depending upon how you choose to use it.

It is important you read thru what I have already given you for searches, I don't tell what I use until you have done that to know all of the precautions, we are using this off label and using the European sites dosage and precautions for using it. After you have read thru the information contact me again, and I will tell you what to get and where it is the most reasonably priced.

This is lengthy doing the searches but necessary that you know all about it and particularlly the precautions for its use. And I appologize for it being lengthy.


I copied my post from a PM since others are also wanting the information it will be easier just typing thing once instead of several times, hope this helps, and again I apologize for having to ask people for doing searches I wouldn't if it wasn't necessary.
Website is dead. Can't even locate it through the way back machine. Please can you give me any info. I know you can't on site. If you could even direct me to a live site would be a massive help
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