Jul 3, 2022 #1 P Park1398 Hatching Jul 3, 2022 1 0 7 Hello My chicken has a weird cough. It isnt often but there is some gurgling at times with clear snot. She has been acting a little tired but is still eating. Her appearance looks healthy. What could this be.
Hello My chicken has a weird cough. It isnt often but there is some gurgling at times with clear snot. She has been acting a little tired but is still eating. Her appearance looks healthy. What could this be.
Jul 3, 2022 #2 Wyorp Rock 🐓 ❤ 🐛 Premium Feather Member 9 Years Sep 20, 2015 59,021 87,298 1,562 Southern N.C. Mountains Welcome To BYC Can you post a video of her? Upload video to youtube and provide a link. What treatments if any have you tried? Where are you located in the world? Check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight. Look inside her beak for lesions or canker. Look forward to photos and video.
Welcome To BYC Can you post a video of her? Upload video to youtube and provide a link. What treatments if any have you tried? Where are you located in the world? Check to make sure her crop is emptying overnight. Look inside her beak for lesions or canker. Look forward to photos and video.