Chicken has suddenly become very aggressive, what to do?


7 Years
Oct 27, 2012
Thanks for peeking in guys. I think I may be having a flock management issue.

I started with four standard breed hens, fell in love with a roo at a poultry show and added him to the flock about 7 months ago. All is well. He is a fine, upstanding bird who is good to his ladies and polite to me. He was a little "over-enthusiastic" with the girls so I made them saddles and purchased two new hens.... this is where the bad stuff happens.

I hastily bought a Black/Copper Maran pullet and a silver laced Wyandotte from a friend who was moving. The Wyan blended into the flock seamlessly, however the BCM pullet was being menaced mercilessly by my roo, who had never acted that way around any other hen.
So, days go by, weeks, I make sure the BCM gets plenty of alone time and can hide from my roo (I figured she was getting the brunt because she was the youngest) special treats and lots of love. One day, I look at her sideways, notice the loooong legs, the giant waddles she's developing and say, " Oh no... I think Matilda is a Man-tilda."

Yep, I got the roo switcheroo! Anyways, to make a long story short, I build this extra roo his own enclosure where he can still see all his friends but my other rooster can't bloody him. All's well and about three months later I go on vacation for 9 days, leaving my regular chicken sitter in charge. When I get home I drop my things and head back to the coop to see my favorite chickens and BAM! The BCM roo comes at me like Mike Tyson with an ear craving. WTH??? I didn't know what to do, he launched at me over and over again.

Now I'm completely freaked out. I've read sooo many conflicting "Roo Behavior Adjustment" articles that my head is swimming. I've tried the "I'm the boss" aggressive approach, the "I'm not a chicken, respect me because I am the almighty bringer of your food" passive approach. The catching him and holding him down thing when he threatens me hasn't been easy. This rooster is greased lightning. Nothing seems to be working. He still tries to get a piece of me whenever he can.

I figured that if I separated him from the rest of the flock and get him his own girl he might calm down. However, I'm very concerned that he'll tear the darling young Blue Copper Maran hen I just purchased for him to pieces and I'm afraid to put her in with him. I've second guessed my plan. Is he just uber-uptight because he can see the other rooster and his girls but can't get to them?

What would you do? Will an aggressive rooster always be aggressive? Should I just close my eyes and post a "Free Rooster, No Questions Asked" ad on craigslist? I have so much guilt over giving him away to an unknown fate but I'm starting to become a little intimidated, considering that he'll act all cool and then he'll try to tear a hole in my a** as soon as I turn around.

Any advice?
Winter is upon us. Chicken noodle soup really is a great remedy and freezes well. That's all I'll say.
Marans taste great!!! If you are opposed to eating him....or selling him to someone who probably will eat him.....

My marans are horrible adolescents! They tend to be more aggressive, the only other roo that was as bad was a bantam AM roo. When I feed, I have a square plastic feed scoop and I open coop doors and dump the feed in. These roosters needed to be reminded about once a week that I wasn't a target. So I would toss the food in and they would lunge at me, I step into the coop and LAY INTO THEM with that scoop. I aimed for the back if they weren't facing me and the head if they were. I never caused any damage and didn't stop until they put themselves in the corner to get away from me.....about a week later it was rinse, lather, repeat. Now that they are adults they have GREAT respect for me and are solid citizens. If this hadn't worked then they would have joined the meaties at the next Processing Day.
Invite him to dinner.

Or go the craigslist route. I've seen lots of ads locally......" Free rooster. I don't want to know what your do with him and just don't TELL me you're going to eat him" almost verbatim. Just be up front about his behavior.
Marans taste great!!! If you are opposed to eating him....or selling him to someone who probably will eat him.....

My marans are horrible adolescents! They tend to be more aggressive, the only other roo that was as bad was a bantam AM roo. When I feed, I have a square plastic feed scoop and I open coop doors and dump the feed in. These roosters needed to be reminded about once a week that I wasn't a target. So I would toss the food in and they would lunge at me, I step into the coop and LAY INTO THEM with that scoop. I aimed for the back if they weren't facing me and the head if they were. I never caused any damage and didn't stop until they put themselves in the corner to get away from me.....about a week later it was rinse, lather, repeat. Now that they are adults they have GREAT respect for me and are solid citizens. If this hadn't worked then they would have joined the meaties at the next Processing Day.
At what age do they reach "adulthood"? Is it just me he's interested in attacking or will he attack the new hen? I let him free range with the other hens and he did his little wing-dance and then immediately tried to mount. When the hens wouldn't have it, there was less than love going on.

Gosh, he's such a gorgeous bird, how long would you suggest giving him to settle down before I Craigslist "bye bye" him?
I have read both of those, indeed helpful and very appreciated content.

However, I'm having a hard time implementing their behavior strategies.

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