chicken has swollen eye.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 17, 2013
Hi one of my cream legbars has a swollen eye, will try and post pictures tomorrow. Nostrils are clean ears are clean but I have noticed her shaking her head and it looks like her wattles slap her eyes could this of caught her eye causing it to swell a little? Or has she got an underlying problem? And its only the one chicken and one eye.
How clean is your pen? If you can sense ammonia (a burning sensation in your eyes) then it has a high chance of being conjunctivitis. Do you have problems with cockroaches where you live?
A swollen eye and head shaking may be symptoms of a respiratory disease such as MG or coryza. Is there any foul odor around the face?
Hi twisted, no problems with roaches here. I keep there house and run clean probably too clean I'm out there every morning and every night. They are spoilt little chickens!
Eggcessive, are these diseases treatable? I haven't noticed any smell but I will check today. And how would I know for sure if it is a disease and are my other birds in danger of catching it from her?
Hi- I am having what sounds like it might be the same sort of thing. Her eye has been shut for several days now and she shakes her head and scratches at her head with her foot from time to time. I started her on Vetracyn (sp?) gel and saline washes three times a day a couple of days ago and put her in chicken ICU but she seems perfectly happy, eating and drinking, no discharge from the eye- she just does not want to open it.

If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it, She is a Swedish Flower, just on point of lay and very sweet. I really want her to get healthy again.

Hi everyone just to let you know my lovely girl has made a good recovery. It come to light that she had a piece of grit in her eye which caused an infection and became inflamed. I was washing her eye every day and then putting in eye ointment. She did stop laying when it first happened now she's back on form popping those beautiful blue eggs out again. Woohoo happy happy.
I'm glad to hear that she is better. Sorry that I didn't see your last post and answer it. The common respiratory diseases can be treated with Tylan50 injectable or oxytetracycline. This is a good link on common respiratory diseases, symptoms, and treatments if you need it someday:

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