Chicken insists on sleeping on poop board!


6 Years
Feb 8, 2013
Duanesburg, NY
I have one RIR that insist on sleeping on the poop board, in the corner. I have tried putting her on the roost with the others, but she hops down after 1 minute. Checked feet, no issues. Any suggestions?
So, I hear all over this forum, that chickens are sound sleepers. I do not get that from mine at all. I could sneak in there at midnight, and there is always one or two looking at me, standing on the roost.

I have tried moving her after dark, and I wait 5 minutes, quietly, in the dark, ( or at least very very low light,)... And she always hops down.

I am going to try removing the poop board for a week or so, and see if that helps.

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