Chicken is laying down all the time, is that normal??


In the Brooder
May 10, 2023
I have a year old buff orpington. She lays down all the time. I thought maybe she was hurt but I've inspected her thoroughly. Checked for any bugs, checked her feet. She lives with 3 other hens and a rooster. They are all fine, they do not lay down like this She eats, drinks, lays, dust bathes, and does peck around still. Sometimes she even pecks the grass in front of her when she's laying down. 80% of the time she runs over for treats if I have them, but occasionally she stays laying down. But 50% of the time I look outside she is laying down. I'm worried something is wrong, yet other wise she is acting normal. Am I being paranoid? She's been doing this a couple weeks.


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How old is she? Does she lay eggs anymore or has she laid in the past. Do you ever see eggs with soft shells or odd shells? How does her crop feel, and is it empty by the next morning before she eats or drinks? Have you checked her legs for any swelling or her feet for any swelling or bumble foot scabs? Does she limp or walk with a wide stance? What does she eat, and what do her poops look like? Pictures can help. Older hens who may have a reproductive disorder, water belly, arthritis, or crop problems, may extend to lie around. The key is to try and pinpoint what her issue is.
She's 1. Yes she lays eggs, no odd or soft shelled eggs. I have been checking her crop when she goes in. And when she comes out in the morning. I've picked her up and checked her skin and her legs. No bugs, swelling, or bumblefoot. No limping or weird walking. She eats the same chicken feed I give all the other chickens. Meal worms, fruits and veggie scraps. I check the poop tray from the coop before i dump it and everything looks normal. Thats why im at a loss. It's been a couple weeks she's been doing it, I figured with me checking everything and it being normal that it would eventually stop. I've had chickens do other weird things for a few days or so at a time and then stopped and were perfectly fine. She is not stopping though. I just went out to do some cleaning and she was running around and excited for treats and drinking normally. It just seems odd to me.

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