Chicken is missing half it's body


In the Brooder
7 Years
Dec 29, 2012
West long branch, New Jersey
My chicken peep who is almost 1 was attacked by some sort of animal, she is missing half her body, bones are showing, she is still getting around ok, but she's in pain. She has lots of dry blood on her body and is missing all her lower body feathers
I can upload photos and pictures soon.
maybe we can help after we see the pics. poor baby she's probably in shock
clean her wounds the best you can and make sure she stays warm because of the shock.
Hers a video
We have been cleaning her wounds everyday, on Friday when I cleaned her wounds and I saw tons of maggots. I couldn't get them out. She ran away later that day and hasn't come back
I'm so sorry. If it really bad you might have to cull her. I did have a little chick that got hurt on the back of his neck some how. It was deep, and I thought it wouldn't make it. He did and now you can't even tell.
If there are Maggots in her wounds it is probably best to put her out of her misery. Otherwise the maggots will feed off her wounds until she eventually dies, I know its hard to loose a member of the flock. A few years ago I had a Black Silkie who was my reserve champion and we ended up having to put her down because she got leg mites to the point where she couldn't walk.
Actually, if she has maggots in the wound, all you need to do to get them out is sit her down with a pair of tweezers and a Betadine/water dilution. Flush the wound a lot with pressure from a large needle-less syringe and when you are done flushing, pick out the maggots with tweezers. Sounds gross, but effective.
In some places around the world they are used purposefully in medicine. Personally I would leave them. If you don't want to though, tweeze them out. Qtip apply peroxide. Then rinse. Plenty of fresh water and time.
Maggots will keep her wounds very clean. Getting past your revulsion is the hardest part. You should try to catch her and keep her separated in a cat carrier or dog crate. Get all of the maggots out, soak the wounds to get the scabs off and disinfect, then slather with antibiotic ointment and wrap with telfa pads and vetwrap.

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