Chicken isnt sick but not normal?


Aug 15, 2021
Ontario, Canada
I know, sound weird but something is just telling me I should do something. My 2 year old chicken Sofia has always kinda been the small one that got picked on. She was perfectly healthy and everything until recently. She doesnt socialize, wont eat things that I put out and is walking slower than usual. If I separate her and give her some treats she will eat everything. I'm wondering if shes just timid from bullying? Another thing- shes done this het entire life where she will just randomly pause and stare off into space, nothing can snap her out of it. I can touch her move her face and she wont move. She doesnt seem sick at all, but is just acting weird. Any feedback?
Does she lay eggs? Is her tail position up or down? Is there food in her crop, and can you feel her crop tomorrow morning before she eats or drinks? It normally would be empty. What does her poop look like? Is she close to her yearly molt?

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