Chicken lice or mites?? Help please


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 24, 2013
Hello I'm new to this sight I see it has a lot of great chicken raisers on here I'm hoping u can help!! I have 11 chickens 9 months old I've noticed on my sexlink he was loosing feathers, so i checked her vent area and these little bugs scattered!! I noticed eggs on the bases of the feathers. Also noticed my buff was the same. So I have them All a nice bath in DE food grade!! Just wondering are they going to be ok?? Is there anything else I should do? The chickens look good until I really get close and under there feathers. An are these lice or mites?? Thanks
Welcome to BYC!!!
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That does sound distressing! I've never tried this (because, thank goodness, I've never needed to), but I've read that adding tobacco leaves to the coop litter helps control mites.
Hello and welcome from glad you joined BYC

I recently noticed mites on my hens and so made them a dust area with clean wood ash. Havent found any mites since.

Good luck to you
And hello from Ohio! Thanks got the info do u keep it right in the coop?? I've heard of people using ashes

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