so I've had chickens for about 20 years on and off I've built at least eight coops over that time spanned once the novelty wears off and I got tired I tell myself never again and yet again I find myself with a box of peeps. This time I was smart and didn't get rid of my chicken coop that can hold up to 20. i instead converted it into a compartment for my 1 breeding Silver Fox rabbit. Then spring came and I said to myself I could easily convert it back by taking down the wall and getting a hutch that my cousin was willing to give me for the rabbit.... scratching my head wondering what to do..... well it was chick days at Agway and I said this time I'm going to do it right I'm not going to go for the safe way and buy all red stars.... so I came home with two barred rocks two leghorns 2 red Stars, ( mind you agways chicks are all sext as females supposedly).... a few more days past and I said why not get another 6 that way at one point I can get a dozen eggs a day. so I found myself at Tractor Supply and got 3 amberlinks, 3 more red stars........ another week or two went by said this time since I'm doing it right with adding more color I found myself at a local feed store where I purchased for speckled Sussex sexy females... I started off with whining 6 now I'm at 14...... well they're about three months old now and I'm very happy with them and I started seeing posts of people with blue and green eggs.... so I said to myself let me check Craigslist to see if I can find any Easter Eggers around the same age of my chickens..... after a couple weeks of searching I did.... so today I went to go pick up an Easter egger and I figure I'll make it around number of 15.... well the man told me he had one Easter Egger left two black sex links, and that if I bought the trio he'd give me a great deal..... so now I find myself with 17 laying hens..... needless to say I'm happy but does anybody else do these crazy things like me... am I going to wind up being the old crazy chicken man haha.
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