Chicken makeing constant new noise

Any photos of the poop?
Is there any mold in the coop/run?

Since this has been going on for a few days, she may have a respiratory illness. She still may be experiencing something like stridor or has aspirated some food/water which can sometime cause aspiration pneumonia. In the video, I hear gurgling and continuous difficulty breathing/respiratory distress ( reminds me of Infectious Bronchitis).

You may want to separate her so you can monitor her closely. Provide her with some vitamins in her water and see that she is staying hydrated. Once she is drinking, see if she will eat a little chopped egg or tuna.

Without knowing the cause, it's hard to know how to treat. You could try an antibiotic like injectable Tylan50 to see if it makes a difference (this can be given orally or by injection). Alternatively using something like VetRx first if you want to wait and see.

Having a vet examine her and test a sample of her poop is always best.

To me she is a pullet, not a cockerel beginning to crow - but I have been wrong before:) Just my thoughts.
I will agree with Wyorp Rock in that she is a pullet, and she appears to have either a respiratory disease or stridor from something partially blocking her airway (food, mucus, swollen tissue, or a foreign body.) She also is showing some arching of her neck which shows she is struggling a bit to breathe. If you have a vet who would see chickens, I would seek some help. Is she sneezing at all? With bronchitis, she would sneeze often. Look into her throat with a flashlight for anything unusual. She really needs to drink fluids right away, or be tube fed. Add electrolytes such as SaveAChick to her water, or use Gatorade or Pedialyte, or add a pinch of salt and a tsp of sugar to a quart of water. Here is a good reference on common diseases, and pay attention to mycoplasma (MG,) coryza, ILT, aspergillosis, and infectious bronchitis:
She's eating and drinking again! We put electrolytes in the water and vitamins. We had to water her with a syringe, but after leaving her be, she started to drink and eat by herself. She has more energy but she's still a little gurgly and has minor nose running. We haven't heard any worrisome noises since. We also gave her a shot of antibiotic. We're so glad she's feeling better!

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