Chicken Math: Ameraucana Hatching Eggs Ordered!

I candled the eggs tonight and am very happy with the current development! 10 eggs have great early development. Pray it continues!
Cracked egg has a blood ring and so did one of the displaced air cell eggs. Down to 8 that are looking good with 3 that are probably not going to develop. Will be pulling those out tomorrow (true day 6) with no development.
Cracked egg has a blood ring and so did one of the displaced air cell eggs. Down to 8 that are looking good with 3 that are probably not going to develop. Will be pulling those out tomorrow (true day 6) with no development.
Sorry to hear. Crossing my fingers for the others, I'm down to 3 out of 9 but I have a BCM that just started zipping - hoping it pops out before bed.
@Cawagula, did they hatch?
Was only a single egg, but yes she did! Not before bed lol, but overnight. I had rescued a BCM who happened to be fertile. Found out the farm was culling her if they couldn't rehome because her eggs never hatched. Tried 9, all terminated. My son dropped an egg like 4 weeks after we got her and it was still showing fertile so I said mine as well try one more time. Only one took and she made it. Placed the whole incubator in my brooder for now, two girls in there that are 10 days old to keep her company but there's also 4 4 week olds in there as well. Hoping they accept the new one since they are great with the 10 day old but I'm worried she's a bit small to be with them. May need to set up another temporary brooder till she gains some weight and size and just keep her with the 10 day olds.


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A friend had terrible luck with that stock first time they bought hatching eggs...none were fertile and they wouldnt give a refund second time they bought chicks and birds had oscular mareks and lot of deformities..the ones i got one was blind one had scissor beak culled them all not worth it. Wont ever buy from them again.
@abenardini Just saw your other post - prayers for you and your flock. Storm looks like it's gonna be pretty bad - hopefully you keep power. Any backups to keep the incubator going?
@abenardini Just saw your other post - prayers for you and your flock. Storm looks like it's gonna be pretty bad - hopefully you keep power. Any backups to keep the incubator going?
Thanks - yes, we have a backup with more than a week of fuel. Once the power goes (and we think it 100% will,) we will switch over to it right away.
Update on the eggs: Day 6 - I ended up disposing of the eggs that have not yet developed, including the mobile air cell eggs. One of them was actually going bad (could smell it a foot away from the incubator,) sadly - you never know with shipped eggs. The remaining 8 that started real development are looking good tonight.

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