Chicken math - how do you allow for additions? How MANY do you allow?

I started a few years ago with about 4 hens, sold the surplus eggs (we don't eat much eggs) and found a huge demand for it... Which of course is a perfect excuse to get more chickens, right? ;) Build a bigger coop and expanded the flock by ehh... 100 :oops:

Whatever your reasons are for getting more chickens, it will happen. Chickens are like potato chips, you got to have more. Welcome to the addiction! :)
We started with 6 chicks 2 were OEGB bantam cockerels, 1 BO, 3 Easter Eggers. We had a 6x4 coop that a friend gave us, the next spring after loosing both oegb boys to hawks, we got 8 more chicks, at the time the coop looked big enough. But it wasn’t. So that summer we got to work building a 8x10 coop inside of our pole barn. The next spring we got about 10 more chicks and they lived happily in the 8x10 then we moved to a house we built next door ( medical issues with an old house) so we built a 12x12 coop then got about 15 more chicks, I never wanted to exceed 25 chickens in the coop so that meant giving away chickens that were mean or didn’t produce, so here we are today with 23 7 week olds (5 will be leAving us) and 14 1 year old hens 6 will be leaving. That is not all exactly correct because I can hardely remember, but it’s pretty close, I have had chickens for I think 5 or 6 years this year!
I am considering rehoming chickens once a year or every other year to continually allow myself space to test new breeds and such.

My three silkies were my starter flock and if I rehome them as a group now while they are laying constantly I think it'd be easy to find a good home for them.

That would bring my flock back down to six, and give me space to maybe hatch out a few more rare breeds to go with my remaining assortment of large fowl. I worry how well my little bantams will get along with birds triple their size (my new birds are things like English Orp and Jersey Giant).

I do love the silkies though, they are strong layers and have such good personalities, so I'd hate to part with them. It's so tough!!
Have you ever had to expand your coop due to chicken math?
No, my original coop was 12' x 14' and I actually downsized to 12' x 12' when re-building it. If I need more space, I build pens or butcher a few birds. I have five or six of them at the moment and I'm planning a hoop coop for young birds.
The bantams, being older, will be firmly in charge no matter what size the new ones become.

That's good to know for in the future, I actually arranged today for all three of my silkie hens to go to a new home as a starter flock for someone else through my local Facebook chicken swap, to give myself a little space to order new breeds when I feel so compelled (which I'm sure I will).

In fact they sold so quickly I have a waiting list of people wanting to buy them if the first guy falls through, so I feel like I seriously underpriced them. I just sold them three for $20 as a set since I'm not interested in making money off them, just making some space in my coop.

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