Chicken math

Well you get a few chicks to raise so you can get fresh eggs. You go to BYC and learn all about chickens. You find out that they lay pretty well the first year but then the second fall they molt and don't lay as well so the next spring you have to have a few new pullets so they can lay eggs while the others molt. Then one hen won't get off the nest and you go to BYC and find she is broody and you see all those wonderful pics of moms and babies. You certainly can't deny your broody girl motherhood, so you let her set. You go on BYC and find out that sometimes they up and quit setting prematurely and folks just stick the eggs in their incubator. Well, you don't have an incubator. So, you study about incubators on BYC. You decide what you can afford and you buy or build one. BUT..,,will it work? You need to get some eggs and try it out. You hatch those little guys and it is so exciting! That is my chicken math and I think I might have to blame BYC. Can't be my own inabilities of self denial.

this right here could so easily be me lol
I have been doing chicken subtaction/addition this week. I traded 7 BR hens, 1 BR roo, 5 Chanty roos and 1 Silkie hen for 8 Leghorn battery hens with a friend of mine. She is bringing 8 more battery hens friday. So I am up in numbers by a few. The battery hens will go in with my CL roo to create Sapphire chicks. Selling some of my EEs today. Collecting guinea eggs for the bator and have 4 broodys on eggs. Nevermind subtraction its Chicken Math!
It's been a little while since Ive been In this thread I hope everyone is doing well. so last time I was here I had 7 laying hens and 4 Icelandic chicks. Ive also added 2 turkey chicks , 2 silkie , and 2 silkie cochin mix chicks in the last two weeks. so that brings my total to 17 for now but Im pretty sure two of my Icies are roos. so Ill have to rehome one. I don't have enough girls to keep them both happy and Ive spent too much time and $ to send one to the freezer. Anyway enough from me congrats to everyone w new additions.

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