Chicken "mutt" club!!!

Ah, RIR in the mix, so the females can have that color. Was the dad the RIR? Because if so I believe the females will be red like that. Its how they do red sex link - so the females are red. The Game would explain the tail length. Might be a girl!

Yes, the mama was Game for sure, The dad is questionable. I got it and another from the farmer who I get my point of lay hens. A storm had just came through the end of January and another was coming. He told me if I could catch them I could have them so I brought the two home. The other had a head injury and died. There was Barred Rock, Leghorn, RIR and Buff Orp roos running around I figured the RIR was the guilty party. My friend has some and it looks a lot like them except for the dark feathers. I have thought it was a roo for weeks now. Since the comb hasn't grown any larger and no crowing I gave its feathers a once over and found non of the pointy at neck or base of tail. That got me thinking it might be a pullet. The adult LF and Bantam roos have not put it in the pecking order and it and some other chicks close in size are in the barn with them. Knock on wood... after I got rid of one aggressive roo I haven't had any trouble adding to the flock. I know there is a polish roo in the mix. Although he was sitting on eggs my broody had pushed out of her nest when I went down to close up for the night.
Your ROOSTER was sitting on the eggs? How cute!

Yes, from that parentage, I would guess female. Only time will tell - but none of the signs are there and RIR x Game can give you red girls. I think you guessed right on the parents - none of the other roosters would give you anything that color.

Let us know how it turns out, when it lays an egg (or doesn't).. I would be interested in knowing. It is very pretty!
6 weeks 2 days

Love the crests they are getting. The Black and White penciled one is really pretty. So is that fun NN Black and White one - but do I see red comb?

Really neat to watch them grow up in pictures, thanks for sharing!

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