Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

The egg 'song' perception seems to be very persistent on this forum.
Would you like to elaborate?

I think that meant that hens don't "sing" so much as make all kinds of racket, screaming and hollering and making weird banshee noises when they lay an egg.



Well, it's music to MY ears!
Oh, no, there IS an Egg Song! Those that do sing it use the same syllables, cadence, and verses. Some have their own style, as with any performer, some know more verses, some only sing a stanza or two, and some are downright terrible singers. I've always understood that -- my ability to carry a rune, remember the words, or follow a melody is not all that great. I give the chickens the same lee way.

But the Egg Song has a format, loosely following this;

Buk buk buk buk buk. Buk bok bok bok. Bokbokbokbokbok. Bukbukbukbuk buh-GAWK!

Ad infinitum.

As with people, some chickens do not sing. Some men/roosters sing. Some of the flock joins in the chorus. Some ladies sing for others, who don't like to sing.
It's funny isn't it most people complain about roos making so much noise. but my hens really raise a ruckus when one is laying it seems all have to join in:celebrate
I remember reading this article! And this was before chickens took over my life (they have returned some of it now). I was pretty amazed by the article at the time, haha! Although I've never seen a blue or green egg first-hand yet, now I know this guy in Mexico doesn't have the only green eggs in the world.
I am very new to this - I just built my first coop last weekend and now have two 8 week old Plymouth Rock pullets. It is funny how people give you advice; here is a tidbit I got today:

" must put a light in your coop or your hens WILL NOT lay eggs in the dark..." Truth or Fiction?

They do need more light in the winter time to keep up their laying rates. Usually around 14 hours of total daylight (or artificial light).
Fiction. My hens have little flashlights to use and do, indeed, lay eggs when it is dark. They creep off the roosts and into the nest boxes, little flashlights in hand, turn off their lights and lay eggs in the dark. I've talked and talked to them about this practice but they are rebellious~the minute they first heard that they simply MUST not lay eggs in the dark, they just had to do it.
Geesh! Kids!

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